Senin, 05 Maret 2012

I Hate Cockroach!!

Diposting oleh chaalittleprincess di 07.48
When I hear the word "Cockroach", I feel digusted directly. I really hate that animal since I was a child. Cockroach is the worse animal that I have ever seen. It has a terrible legs, and it also has the wings. I often feel afraid when it flies near me. I never want if the cockroach lies on my head, hands, legs, or any parts of my body.
Why I really HATE cockroaches?
I do not like to see their bodies. They look like a monster to me. They also have lied on my face when I was sleeping, and that event made me to hate cockroaches forever. They also bring some illnesses to our body, and they love to live in the dirty places. So abominate!!
I always keep my room cleanly, but I do not know why a cockroach stiil on in the my room. I ever cried when I saw it, because I was really afraid at that time. My father usually helped me to kill the cockroach, he is truly my hero.

Now, I am trying not to afraid when the cockroaches come. I still keep my room cleanly and I am always aware of  their coming, so I can kill them directly by using the mosquito's poison.

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